Tag: peach

Sex on the Beach Cocktail Recipe Ingredients

Sex on the Beach

What is a simple, pleasing, fruity cocktail? The Sex on the Beach fits that description. This is a simple, but effective, cocktail that seems to please the masses. This drink has many variations, but for the most part, the variations are related and use similar ingredients in the recipe. When properly made, the Sex on the Beach is a decent […]


Peach Blow

Digging up old cocktails—or in this case fizz recipes—has led me to this interestingly named drink called the Peach Blow. The article is from the May 2nd, 1909 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer. A reader asked for the recipe of the Peach Blow and the Lilac Fizz. The newspaper was happy to oblige. Over 100 years later, and right in […]