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Bitters, Cordial

Montana Cordial Bitters

One of the hot topics in the cocktail world is rare or lost ingredients. Most of these rare ingredients are referenced in early recipe guides or still exist, somewhere in the world, in small quantities, sometimes even just a few bottles. Amer Picon and Abbott’s bitters are perfect examples. But occasionally you come across ingredients that no longer exist and […]

Blog Post

50 Signs You Are a Bad Bartender

I’ve been reading Waiter Rant and the good Waiter has posted a couple of good articles: 50 Signs You’re Working in a Bad Restaurant and 50 Signs You Might be An Asshole Customer. These posts inspired me to write one for bartenders, since I’ve worked with more bad bartenders than good ones. Your not a bad bartender if only a […]

A recipe for the classic gin and tonic cocktail.

Gin and Tonic Recipe

The Gin and Tonic is a highball that seems to meet the classic definition of a cocktail, in a loosely defined way. A cocktail in the 1800s was the combination of a spirit, sugar and bitters plus a diluent for the weak part. In a Gin and Tonic, you have gin, which is, of course, the spirit part of the […]


Kleiner Feigling Vodka

A couple of days ago I received a package at my front door, and in it was a sample of Kleiner Feigling fig flavoured vodka. I had previously not heard of this vodka, but the idea of fig vodka piqued my interest. Flavoured spirits are a staple in the cocktail world, but you can only be as creative as the […]