Month: February 2016


Canadian Whisky

Canadian whisky has been around for a very long time and is the number one spirit imported into the United States. It currently accounts for 11.5% of spirit consumption in the US and only trails behind vodka for market share. The key reason for this is the smooth nature of Canadian whisky. For most people, drinking is a casual affair, […]

Vieux Carre Cocktail Recipe from New Orleans

Vieux Carre Cocktail

New Orleans has such an interesting drink history but, finding a good cocktail, like a Vieux Carre, in New Orleans can be a task. The city has become a centre for partying and that means quantity, not quality for many bars. Forget Bourbon Street for cocktails, except for a rare few establishments. Some other places in the French Quarter offer […]



This particular cocktail ingredient has had a significant amount of discussion in the old blogosphere. Many of the cocktail luminaries, if there is such a thing, have researched the origins of this flavoured syrup from Barbados. None more than Ted “Dr. Cocktail” Haigh. In a now-defunct Martini Republic post, the good Doctor made a couple of statements about Falernum that […]


Hunt Bitters

A bitters recipe that currently doesn’t have a detailed history. Hunt Bitters Recipe: Mace 4 oz Cinnamon 4 oz Tonka Bean 8 oz Calamus Root 8 oz Star Anise 1 lb Peppermint Leaves 7½ lbs Instructions To make the Hartz Aromatic Bitters from the above essence, take 1 oz of essence and combine it with 1700 ml of 25% alcohol, […]


Johnnie Walker Blue Label

This is one of those spirits that either gets rave reviews or boos and hisses. Some people think that the price point of Blue Label is a ripoff, while others see that it represents something more than just the liquid in the bottle. It is true that Johnnie Walker Blue Label is a blended scotch, which automatically nix’s this spirit […]

Bumbo, the pirate equivalent to the British grog recipe


It’s that time of year when we are assaulted with a new blockbuster movie every weekend until the end of the summer. Many of the movies will be a waste of time because they lack character development or the story is covered up by special effects. But, there is one decent movie coming out, with a really well-developed character, and […]

Singapore Sling Recipe

Singapore Sling

Cocktails that have been around for over 100 years are popular because they are well balanced, complex and enjoyable. The Singapore Sling is one of those cocktails.