Adding things to Coca-Cola is a time honoured tradition, one that immediately comes to mind is rum. Another is Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia. Now, this isn’t kitchen cleaner ammonia, which would be a big mistake, this is a pharmaceutical preparation that has been used for over a century, even before Coke was invented. For druggists, this preparation was an over-the-counter medicine used to treat a variety of conditions. Unlike other patent medicines (snake oil), Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia survived and can still be bought at some pharmacies today. It makes for an interesting taste combination with Coca-Cola.
Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia
Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia or “spirits of ammonia” is a combination of ammonium carbonate and ammonia, as a 10% solution of ammonium hydroxide, mixed with water, alcohol and the essential oils of lemon, nutmeg and lavender. After diluting with the water and alcohol, the free ammonia concentration is around 1%. Once mixed in an 8-ounce drink it is very diluted, around 0.02%. Just enough to be noticeable.
It was used as an antacid, for America’s communal case of dyspepsia in the 1800s. The mixture has a basic pH, so it neutralized stomach acid very effectively. Besides the soothing stomach application, it was used for a variety of other conditions, like nervousness, hysteria, mild drunkenness and hangovers.
Yes, it was used in the 1800s to help people who got a bit tipsy at the saloon and needed a little clarity to get home. Most of the documents state that it did nothing for truly intoxicated persons, but those who were just a bit buzzed could benefit. It was also helpful to remove the hangover mind fog and invigorate the senses. Your results may vary.
For the nervous and easily overwhelmed, Spirits of Ammonia was the Xanax of the Victorian era. If a person was hysterical or fainted, a dose of aromatics was given, STAT! If you were taking your first trip in a dirigible, a splash in some sweetened soda water might steel the nerves and obviate nausea. in the 1800s ammonia compounds were thought to ease anxiety.
But there’s more! Aside from all of those remarkable properties, Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia was used as a mild, short-term, energizer. If you were feeling pooped and a little in the dumps, a full dose would help get your groove back. Again, your results may vary.
I haven’t done a first-hand experiment to verify the veracity of Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia’s powers, but the next bender I go on I’ll try to remember to test for hangover improvement.
As for the energizing properties, I’m drinking an Ammonia Coke now, and I am writing this post; therefore it must work. It’s a miracle! I was feeling a little tired when I came home today, and the thought of flopping on the Chesterfield, watching TV, and gorging on junk food did cross my mind. Then I remembered I cancelled cable last year so I could be more productive. That’s probably why I’m writing.
I could also be energized by the mere act of playing with chemicals and then drinking them. Don’t try this at home kids, but I did a lot of research on this and felt comfortable with the resulting product. My recommendation for everyone else is to buy Spirits of Ammonia at the pharmacy or on the Internet.
Ammonia Coke
So what does an Ammonia Coke taste like? Well, it is decent. I used a part dose of 20 drops (1ml) to test it out first. The full dose is 3 scruples; 3.75ml; or about ¾ of a teaspoon, in a glass of cola. The neutralizing properties are evident as the acidity of the Coca-Cola is reduced, not in a bad way though. The ammonia is perceptible and might be a little more obvious when used a more significant measure. The most important part is that it does knock out the acidity of drinks.
And about the magical properties? Sorry, no purple dragons and I haven’t cleaned up my desk. I am feeling mellow, but I suspect the late nights and early mornings are probably making me groggy. It may not be the miracle cure you were looking for.
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